New Individual Reservation

To create a new individual reservation, go to Reservations > New Reservation, use shortcut <Ctrl> + <N> or  select 'New reservation' in the left toolbar (Frontdesk tab)

It is also possible to start a new reservation using the Rate Query. See Rate Query.

The window will display 'New' and the icons at the top will remain inactive (greyed out) until after the reservation is saved.

The reservation window is divided into different sections. Each section is explained below.

Arrival and departure date

In the first field the Arrival and Departure dates are entered. Fields marked in blue text are mandatory fields.

Arrival - Behind Arrival the date of arrival is entered or carried over from the rate query. Then the default check-in time is entered automatically in the time field.  It is also possible to click the calendar behind the entry field. Here, a date is selected.
Time - In the Time field the time of arrival and departure of the guest is entered, if known. If the system is linked to a key card interface, these times are also sent to the key card system. If the default check-out time is 12 o'clock and a guest wishes to use the room until 13.00 h, the departure time can be set at 13.00 in this field.
Nights - In the Nights field the number of nights is entered. If "3" is entered in this field, the departure date will automatically be set to 3 nights after the date of arrival.
Departure - In the Departure field the date of departure is entered. If the user does not enter the number of nights, the system will calculate this based on the departure date and enter the number of nights automatically. Again the calendar can be used for this purpose.

The Arrival, Nights and Departure fields are in blue. This means that these fields are mandatory. If no information is entered in these fields, the reservation cannot be saved. All blue fields must be completed in order to save the reservation.

Usually, the arrival date will automatically be set to the actual date. It might however also be empty in which case the arrival date must be entered. The Time fields will always be completed automatically based on the default system settings for arrival and departure times. See Default Values.

Guest, company and agent information

In the Guest field the name of the guest is entered

The small box behind 'Guest' can be checked. If this box is checked, no guest profile will be created. In this case the icon (on the right) will be greyed-out, which means that the guest name does not have its own guest profile.  

Example with linked guest card:

Example guest name is not saved in the database:

To add guest details, type the name of the guest in the text field. Check the tickbox if no guest card needs to be created, or use <Tab> if a guest card needs to be linked.   
Search for the correct guest card:

Or create a new card using . For more information, see Guest Profile.

In the City field the city of the guest is entered, which is taken from the guest details profile. If the name of the guest is selected with the help of the browse window, the city will be entered automatically. If the box is checked, the city cannot be entered. In that case the cursor will jump directly to the nationality field. The next field is Nationality/Country. This field is mandatory.
Use this icon to access the guest list.
The guest list allows linking up to 99 guest to a folio. The Guest List can be accessed from the folio by clicking this icon.
From the second guest and up, the Guest List is used for linking multiple guests to a folio. Click the 'New' icon and add guests to the guest list. Double click a profile to access the guest profile.

If all information has been entered, the cursor automatically moves to the next section, which is the Company fields.

Entering a company name is similar to entering a guest name.  Again, the browse window can be used. When searching for profile entries in the database, a wildcard search asterisk * can be used. Enter and * followed by the first few letters or the complete name of the company concerned and then press the  <Tab> key. Again the browse window will appear seeking all companies that match the criteria entered. This applies to the Company field as well as the Department and Contact fields. If the company has not yet been saved in the database, a new company profile can be created. All company information can be entered into this profile.

See the The Company Profile

The next field is the Agent field. An Agent is a travel agent arranging bookings/holidays for third parties. An agent profile must be treated as a company profile. It is also possible to have two agents linked to a folio reservation. By selecting tab '2', the second profile can be entered if required.

See also The Travel Agent Profile

In the Commission field the commission plan for this reservation is entered or if a default commission plan is linked to the agent profile, it will be filled automatically.  IDPMS will automatically calculate the commission to be paid to the travel agent based on the commission plan setup. See Accounts Payable Module for more information.

Room Information

This information is filled from the original query in rate query but can be changed.

Num, Roomtype and Rate/mealplan fields are mandatory fields.

Num - The number of rooms to be reserved is entered. The default setting for this field is "1".
Roomtype - The room type to be reserved is selected. Clicking the down-arrow a different room type can be selected. See Room Types for more information on room types.
Adult - The number of guests (adults)
Child / Child young / Infant / Baby  - The number of children. Hotels are able to define multiple age categories for reservations. Using these age categories makes it possible to differentiate rates. Enable the age category in Option Front desk  
Rate/mealplan - Select the rate type and the meal plan. A rate type is the price of a room, depending on the number of guests in the room. See Rate Types. Meal plans are used to create different types of meals that can be quickly added to the room rate. See Mealplan for more information. The total room price is calculated automatically. The rate plus the meal plan is the room price. When a rate type is entered which does not correspond with the selected room type, IDPMS will give a warning.

Package - the package reserved can be entered. Also the starting date of the package concerned can be entered here, since a package has a preset duration. This means that the package can start on any date within the period of the stay, as long as the end date of the package also falls within the period of the stay. See Packages.  
Discount - Rates can be set up to automatically apply a discount to a specific Relation. See Discount.
Up/downsell - Means selling a room up (for more) or down (for less) while maintaining the original room price. A Deluxe room can for example be sold for the price of a standard room. Whatever room type is selected in this field, the price will reflect that room type. The Up/downsell option is optional. See Option Front desk. The UpDownSell field in new reservations and master activities is read only during reservation creation, as long as the reservation has not been stored for the first time.

Guest History - Guest history displays the history of the guest card selected:

User defined Fields - User Defined Reservation Fields are custom fields that can be added to the reservation screen.

See User defined fields for more information.

Daily Rates - Using fluctuating prices, the rates can differ per day. Tab Daily Rates gives an overview of the "breakdown" and displays the rates, mealplan, packages and guests per day.  

Room preferences

On the right-hand side of the reservation window, specific room preferences can be entered.

Roomfeatures - A number of room features can be entered, in order to take the guest's request into account. These features are all attributes that might be specific for a certain room. See Features for more information. Features include for example non-smoking, 2nd floor, garden view, etc. If more than one feature is required, use the <Ctrl> key when making the selection. If the user allows the system to automatically assign a room (<Ctrl> + <F8>), it will search based on the features entered. In any event, a room will be selected based upon the room type that has been entered in the room type field and matching features entered. If there are no rooms available with the matching features, IDPMS will display a message:

Rooms can also be assigned from the room drop down menu. This manual selection does not filter based on features, it shows rooms based on the room type entered in the roomtype field.
Room - A room number can be selected and linked to the folio. The list of visible room numbers depends on the room type that is entered and the arrival date. A room number can also be assigned automatically. This takes place in a preset order. When installing the system the order in which rooms will be assigned is set. This is to prevent repeatedly re-selling the same rooms. See Room Setup for more information.
Extras - Additional guest requests can be entered. These can  include, an extra bed or baby crib, but also renting a bicycle or reserving a parking space can be considered an extra.  Extras are customizable per property. See Extras for more information.
To add an extra, type in the text field or click on three dots:

The Extra window will appear:

No extras have been booked for this reservation, since all fields are empty. By clicking on the 'new' icon, the next window appears. Here the extras can be entered. See Extras for more information.
Some Extras are linked to an inventory and can be booked based on inventory availability. See Extra inventory for more information.

Start date - The start date for the extra.
End date - The end date is entered. Note: if no start date and end date are entered, the system will assume that the Extra is booked for the entire stay.
Extra -
Select the extra from the drop down.
Extra start time -  
Description - A short description of the extra concerned is given. Filled automatically, can be adjusted manually.
Quantity - The quantity. Filled automatically and can sometimes be adjusted manually depending on set-up of the extra. See Extras.
Price - Price per extra. Can be calculated automatically  (greyed out) or entered manually, depending on the settings.
Confirm - Can be checked if the extra should be displayed on the confirmation letter.

If all information has been entered correctly, click the green check mark. The extra created will now appear in the Extras main window.

Click exit window in order to go back to the reservation window. The extra ' EXB' is now displayed in the Extras field. To cancel an extra, select the extra in the Extras window and then click the recycle bin (garbage can).

Do not move - Can be checked if this room number is a specific room requested by the guest or preassigned by management.  Room number drop down will be greyed out:

Preference - Additional information about the guest can be entered. For example flowers in room or allergic to smoke. This is for information only and may appear on some custom reports.
Allotment - Allotment for this reservation can be entered. If this field is completed, the reservation will be taken from the travel agent's/wholesaler's allotment. See also  Allotments.

Method(s) of payment

Payment - Behind payment, four fields are available. These fields are linked to the sub folios of the guest account. From the left to the right the four fields correspond with sub folios A, B, C and D. See The Posting detail screen. In each field the desired method of payment per sub folio can be selected. This might be useful if a guest wishes to put his or her accommodation costs to the company's account and pay all other costs in cash. It is also useful if two guests or more are in the same room and want separate folios. It is recommendable to directly add a charge routing. See Charge Routing.

Upon check-out the system will automatically jump to the method of payment selected here. This speeds up the check-out procedure. It is possible to choose another method of payment, if needed.

Enter method(s) of payment.

See Payment Types for more information.


Guarantee - Select a guarantee type. A guarantee type is a method to secure a reservation. For example by means of a credit card authorization or a company guarantee. See Guarantees.  
Tot Excl/Incl - Tot. Excl. shows the calculation of all costs minus any extras that might have been entered. Tot. Incl shows all costs, including the extras entered and includes all taxes.
Card - Credit card number can be entered in case of a credit card guarantee. Up to 4 credit card numbers can be stored by selecting the corresponding subfolio tab A, B, C, or D.
Expiry date - Credit card expiry date is entered, if applicable
Card holder - the name of the credit card holder can be entered, if other than guest name.
Credit limit - A limit amount can be set up to which the card is guaranteed. If using a credit card interface, the credit limit field can be filled automatically based on card authorizations and values setup at configuration. For more information, see Option EFT Interface
Deposit (1) - The deposit to be paid can be entered, depending on the means of payment.
Due (1) - Due date of the deposit. These fields are linked to the Guarantee method selected above. If deposit rules are set, these fields may automatically be filled based on the deposit rules linked to the selected Guarantee type. 
Deposit (2) - A second deposit can be entered. Again, behind this field the due date of the deposit can be entered in the Due (2) field. A notification can be sent on this due date. This makes it easy to see which deposits should have been paid already, but have not yet been settled. Again, these fields are linked to the Guarantee method selected above and if deposit (2) rules are set, these fields may automatically be filled based on the deposit rules linked to the selected Guarantee type. See also Guarantees.
Deadline - The latest arrival time of the reservation can be selected. Depending on the guarantee type, IDPMS can enter this automatically, provided that this option was activated during the system's setup. See Deadlines.
Option date - The option expiry date is entered, in case of an option reservation. If an option date is entered, this will be displayed on top of the reservation and on the availability screen. See Availability. When checking in an optional reservation the option date will be removed.    


Source - Source codes are used to help a hotel define and manage their market segmentation. Source Codes differ from hotel to hotel and can be configured as requested See Source Code.
Subsource - Can be configured in order to monitor marketing campaigns or how business comes to the hotel. Sub sources differ from hotel to hotel and can be configured as requested. See Subsource Code.      

These two fields can be used for statistical purposes and to make comparisons on market segmentation and source of business. A hotel could for example use the subsource to monitor the response it receives to an advertisement. In rate configuration, hotels have the option to link a default Source code to each rate type. See Rate Types.

Tabs Section

Memo Tab
The memo field section contains two separate memo fields.

Reservation information - The left memo field contains reservation Information and can be edited from the reservation screen itself. Specific guest preferences can be entered, that only apply to the reservation concerned.
Profile / group information - The right memo field is read only and contains Profile and Group information. Changes to the right memo field can only be done from the linked relation profile and/or in the linked group reservation. If information has been entered in the memo field on the group reservation, or guest, company or agent profile, this will automatically be shown on the reservation memo field marked with the profile heading. For example:

Information Tab

Confirmation - Select the type of confirmation letter. This will then identify the group on the Confirmation Verification Report. The Confirmation Verification Report identifies which Folios have a confirmation letter selected.
Returned -
The hotel can specify whether it received the signed confirmation letter back from the guest.
F&B info - Extra guest information can be entered that is relevant to the F&B outlets, for example if the guest is a vegetarian, diabetic or on a diet. This information only applies to the present reservation. If the information must also be applied to future reservations, it must be entered on the guest profile under kitchen info. See Guest profile.
Freq stay -
Cancel - If the reservation is cancelled, the cancellation number will be displayed here.
Cancel date - If the reservation is cancelled, the cancellation date will be displayed here.

Bill Tab
The Bill tab makes it possible to select the address to be printed on the bill per sub folio. The options are Guest, Company, Agent and Alternative.
Company and Agent can only be selected if a company or agent is linked to the reservation.

If Multi-currency module is in use, and invoice currency tab is displayed as follows:

Alternative Tab

Alternative can be selected if the bill must be sent to an alternative address. The alternative address can be entered on the Alternative tab. If then Alternative is selected on the Bill tab, this will be the address printed on the bill.

An alternative address can be added manually, an existing Relation profile can be added (guest, company or agent) or a new relation can be created.

Select a relation on the list or search for name of number.

Check only for valid A/R accounts - can be checked if only relations with a valid A/R account should be added as alternative address.  

If the folio is shared (optional per hotel), the Share tab can be selected in order to indicate the room charge split per, master/share(s) There are four different possibilities. See Share Reservation for more information.

The tab for room charge proportions

Room charge to master. All room charges will be put on the account of the master folio.

80%/20% rooms charge split master/share. Choosing this option, 80% of the room charge will be put on the master folio. The other 20% of the room charge will be put on the share folio's account.

60%/40% rooms charge split master/share. Choosing this option, 60% of the room charge will be put on the master folio. The other 40% will be put on the account of the share folio.

Split rooms charge equally. Choosing this option, 50% of the room charge will be put on the master folio. or split equally if more than one share. 

More... Tab
On the More... tab several options can be entered or activated.

Pay-TV - Select which Pay-TV channels the guest wishes to receive. The guest can for example choose (depending on the names used in the hotel) STD (standard), CLO (closed) and KID (children). Choosing the STD option all channels can be received. Choosing CLO means that all Pay-TV channels will be closed and if the guest chooses KID the Adult Movie channels will for example be closed. This is used in conjunction with a Pay-TV interface.
- A reference number or text can be entered. This reference number is printed on the invoice and/or the confirmation letter.
Reference 2 -  A reference number or text can be entered. This reference number is printed on the invoice and/or the confirmation letter.
Freq Stay - If created for this guest, a frequent stay number is displayed. See Guest Profile.  
Flight Arrive/Depart - times or flight numbers can be entered here and used on specific reports (arrivals, In-House etc.) These fields relate to a setting activated in Settings>Option> Screen. See Option Screen.
Cancel - In case of a cancellation, Cancel shows the cancellation number and the cancellation date and time.
DID - Dial In Direct. Can be checked if the guest wishes to have a direct dialing number, so that the guest can receive direct calls from outside the hotel. This option is only supported if the telephone exchange interface supports it.
DID # - The direct dialing number of the telephone exchange is entered, if the guest wishes to use DID. The number depends on the hotel telephone exchange/PBX  
POS/Phone credit - Can be checked to indicate whether this guest is allowed to use the phone and if the can charge to his room at the POS (Points Of Sale). 
POS detail can be checked (provided that the POS system supports this function and is linked to IDPMS) if the guest wants the POS products to appear on the guest bill in detail.
Viewbill can be checked (if the Pay-TV system supports this function and is linked to IDPMS), if the guest wishes to view his or her bill on the Pay-TV system.

If all information has been entered correctly, the reservation can be confirmed by clicking the green check mark in the top right corner of the reservation window. If the reservation has not been entered completely or correctly, a message will appear indicating the required missing fields. For example:

In this case no source was selected in the source field. The reservation can still be confirmed after selecting the correct source and then clicking the green check mark again.

If the reservation has been saved successfully, some changes take place in the global reservation window. Notice the status changes to 'Browse" instead of 'New" on top left.

Folio - This is the Guest Confirmation Number with the Hotel 3 digit Prefix. F for folio and then the number.
Status - Reservation: this implies Reservation Status . See also Folio Status Codes

The folio buttons now become available. With these buttons, articles can be booked, the account details can be displayed and other tasks can be performed.

See Folio buttons individual reservation after confirmation for explanation of each button.