Folio Buttons Individual Reservation After Confirmation

All reservation folio icons are shown below together with the applicable shortcut key commands < >

 This icon opens the seek window, in which it is possible to search for a folio. Several seek criteria can be used for this purpose, such as cancellation number or frequent stay number. <F3> See The search screen of IDPMS

With this icon articles can be posted to the guest bill. Clicking this icon opens the posting window <F6>. See Posting Screen. The icon will display the local currency symbol (Euro, Dollar or Pound) as defined in Settings > Option > Frontdesk. See Option Frontdesk.

This icon, opens the detail account window. In this window the different sub folios of the guest can be viewed and changes can be posted if needed <F5>. The icon will display the local currency symbol (Euro, Dollar or Pound) as defined in Settings > Option > Frontdesk. See Option Frontdesk.

 This button is for charge routing. Charge routing is the process of routing certain costs automatically to a sub folio. Cost listed in charge routing are by Post Group. <Ctrl>+ <F5>. See Charge Routing.

 This icon is used to link a folio to a Master, Group or Share Folio. It is also possible to unlink a folio from a Master, Group or Share folio. Clicking this button will display six other icons, of which some will be greyed-out depending on the reservation. See Linking and unlinking folios for more information.

 This icon is used for maintenance and services, guest message, guest information, changes Log, changes log on daily rates. Clicking this icon will display other icons. See Tools Menu.

This icon is visible if a credit card interface is in use. From here credit card details can be viewed or a manual authorization can be processed. See Credit Card Authorizations.  

This icon is visible if the Sales Module is activated. This icon gives access to the Contact Manager. See Contact Manager.

When clicking on this icon it will lead you to event reservations that are linked to this reservation. It is possible to open the linked events directly through this icon.

This icon is used to create an event reservation. It will be linked to the reservation directly. Fields like date, guest and company are filled in.

 This icon concerns possible interfaces installed at the hotel. For example, using this icon the wake-up time for the client can be set, an extra key can be created or the telephone line can be opened or closed. See Interfaces.

Using this icon, a new reservation can be created. Clicking this icon will open a new reservation window. <INS>.

 This icon is used to copy the present reservation. This can be useful in case a guest decides to make more reservations at the same time. Copying the information, allows for efficiency. All information is copied, except for the room number. These do need to be entered again. <Ctrl> + <INS>.

 This icon can be used for splitting a reservation. If a guest made a reservation for two or more rooms of the same room type, the reservation must be split before checking in.<F4>. See Split Reservation.
 After opening a reservation, clicking this icon will cancel the reservation.<Ctrl> + <F2>. See Cancel reservations.

This icon is used to undo the cancellation. This icon will appear if a reservation has been cancelled. <Ctrl> + <F2>.

Clicking this icon puts a reservation on the waiting list. The waiting list can be considered to be a reservation of a room that is not yet available.<Ctrl> + <F3> See Waitinglist reservation.

Clicking this icon will remove the reservation from the waiting list.<Ctrl> + <F3>.

 This icon is both used for assigning a room number to a reservation and for moving a guest to another room number. The function depends on the status of the folio. If the status is a 'Reservation', a room number is assigned. The shortcut is <Ctrl> + <F8>. If the status is 'In-House', it is used to do a room move. The shortcut is <Shift> + <F8>. If used to assign a room, it also takes any features entered on the reservation into consideration when assigning the room number.

This icon activates the print menu. <F10>

Every new created channel reservation is listed in 'New Channel reservations' in the Channel Dashboard. The user can verify if the reservation is correct and make required changes if needed. By clicking the triple green check mark in the folio, it is marked as verified and the reservation will be removed from the list. The user that verified the reservation is stored in with the

reservation. See Channel Dashboard.  

 This icon is used to save changes. If it is greyed out, it means that no changes have been made and the folio is being viewed (in browse mode) 

 This icon becomes active if any changes or edits have been made and allows the user to cancel changes if selected. Changes can only be cancelled before any saves are made.  IF this icon is greyed out, no changes have been made.
This icon is used to go back or to close the active window.