Charge Routing

Charge Routing in IDPMS is used to route designated charges to subfolios, group folios or master folios. The Charge Routing tool also allows the user to specify dates and maximum amounts for the charges. The default subfolio for all charges is subfolio A, unless charge routing designates another folio or a financial setting indicates another default folio.

Charge routing is used when:

To activate charge routing on an individual folio, first select the folio and then select the charge routing icon

The top left corner of the charge routing window, displays all post groups set to be visible for charge routing. See also Postgroups

Postgroups can be selected by clicking on the postgroup or holding down the <CTRL> key and selecting multiple postgroups. The next step once the postgroups have been selected is to identify the folio where these groups should post to. Under Standard, select the subfolio B, C, D or Route to Master (will only be available if a master link is in effect- see Split reservation) or Route to Group. Route to group option will only be available if the folio is part of a group.

Maximum Amount - If the box is checked, an amount can be entered for the postgroup selected. See example 1B.

Start Date/End date - The date fields can be used to identify routing rules for a portion of the stay. If the date fields are blank, the charge routing rules will be valid for the entire length of stay.

Window- The window at the bottom of the screen will display the charge routing rules selected. The Postgroup will be listed. The routing will indicate Standard or Alternate. Standard relates to subfolio A, B, C or D of the current guest. Alternate will be activated if a maximum amount is set.

Information will identify the subfolio selected or alternate folios (from subfolio to subfolio) A-D.  G indicates routing to Group Folio (if folio is linked to a group), M indicates routing to Master Folio (if master link exists)

The trash can is used to cancel routing. Select the postgroup by clicking on the postgroup in the bottom window and select the trash can.

The checkmark, saves the selected routing.

The  X cancels the changes.

Example 1 A - Room and Breakfast is routed to Subfolio B

The Reservation folio has folio B with company billing selected.

Example 1B - Company pays a maximum amount of €50 for F&B

In the example above, if any article linked to the postgroup F&B is posted to B in excess of €50,- the remaining amount will be posted to subfolio A.

See folio example below where €60,- was posted in F&B. The amount is split (50,- allowed as maximum to B and the overage of €10,- to subfolio A.