Channel Dashboard

The Channel Dashboard is created to give hotels an overview about the origin of reservations and the top booking channels. A list of newly created channel reservation is displayed that allows easy reservation verification. Once a reservation has been checked it can be marked as verified and it will be removed from the list.

To access the Channel Dashboard, navigate to the short cut bar on the left of the screen,from the Extra menu or by keyboard quick keys <Shift>+ <Ctrl> + <F12>. Note that separate user access policies apply to grant users access to this dashboard screen. By default, access is restricted to all users.

Each grid can display 10 channels directly on the screen. If more channels are available* a scroll bar can be used to scroll through the list of channels. *depending on the number of connected channels through RezExchange.
  1. New reservations by channel created today.
    a. New channel reservations created today.
    b. Number of rooms. (new reservations created today x number of rooms).
    c. Number of nights. (new reservations created today x number of nights’ x number of rooms.

    % Relative Occupancy% per channel compared to the total hotel occupancy percentage for today.
  2. 2. Cancellations today by top eight channel.
    a. Number of Reservations cancelled today.
    b.  Number of nights cancelled today. (reservations x number of nights)
  3. ADR / Revenue for reservations created today by top eight channel.
    a.  By ADR (average daily rate per booked night).
    b.  By Revenue (rate x number of nights).
  4. Lead-time per channel.
    a.  Lead-time in days per top eight channel.
  5. Pie chart per top eight channels for reservations created today.
  6. Pie chart per top eight channels reservation created Month to Date.
  7. Pie chart per top eight channels reservations created Year to Date.
  8.  Availability stack chart for the next fourteen days for all channels including direct IDPMS created reservations.
  9. A list of New channel reservations created today and the past 7 days that need to be verified.
    a.     Every new created channel reservation, but not the ones directly created in IDPMS by a user, is listed in this part of the screen.
    b.     By double clicking a reservation the folio is opened. The user can verify if the reservation is correct and make required changes if needed. By clicking the triple check mark in the top right corner of the folio, it is marked as verified and the reservation will be removed from the list. The user that verified the reservation is stored in the reservation.
  10. Search icon to search the list of new channel reservation by specific keyword per column
  11. Check mark to jump directly to the selected folio.

IDPMS and CWI are also considered as channels.
The numbers in charts 1 to 4 are based on new reservations created or cancelled by channel on today’s date. They are not indicating the number of channel reservation that were made for arrival today.