Tools Menu

Use this icon to access the tools menu. The tools menu is used for:

Maintenance and services

Vehicle registration

Guest messages

Guest info

Changes Log

Changes log on daily rates

Keycard changes log

External folio references

Reload rates from configuration

Post charges for next night  

Post deposits

Maintenance and services

From the Tools menu in the PMS, a new ticket can be opened for the required maintenance or service.

When a maintenance and service ticket is created from the folio, a link with the folio is created. An indicative icon is lit up in the indicator bar in the folio:

For more information regarding maintenance and service tickets, see Maintenance and Services.  

Vehicle registration

Guest messages

Used to leave a message for a guest. The guest can read any messages left for him on his room via the Pay-TV system if the hotel has a Pay-Tv interface which supports this function. If this option is activated for a group folio it applies to all reservations of this group.

Clicking the add/new icon will display the next window. The message can be entered. Save using check mark.

The message status will indicate 'N' which means new. Once the message is printed, the status will change to 'P'

An indicative icon is lit up in the indicator bar in the folio:

At check-in and check-out, the guest message will pop-up.

Guest info

This icon can be used to enter guest information. This information is not directly visible in the reservation window and thus needs to be called up specifically. This is to prevent a guest from reading internal information from the window by accident. If this is entered in a group folio it applies to all reservations of this group.

An indicative icon is lit up in the indicator bar in the folio:   


Changes Log

This opens the changes log. This log displays all actions performed on the folio, from creating a reservation to check-out. The shortcut is <Ctrl> + <F10>.

The log provides the date, time and user who performed the change. It also indicates the Old Values and the New Values with a field name and description.

Changes log on daily rates

This opens the changes log on daily rates. All changes regarding rates and mealplans will be displayed in this log:

The log provides the date, time and user who performed the change. It also indicates the Old Values and the New Values with a field name and description.

Keycard changes log

Keycard log. This log shows data on the creation of new and copy keycards and contains information about the following items when supported by the keycard interface:

External folio references

External folio references gives access to a list of external folios (external reservation numbers).  

Reload rates from configuration

Reload rates from configuration, formerly called recalculate manual rates.

Post charges for next night  

This icon is used to post room charges to the folio for the next night including any extras. Normally room charges are posted during the night audit.  Users may want to post room charges to a specific folio before night audit. This option can only be used if the reservation is in house.

Posting detail displays posting user NITEAUD:

For more information, see Posting Detail screen.  

Post deposits

Post deposits is used to post a deposit on a folio. The deposit is linked to the deposit type guarantee on the folio and will post the amount due. See also Option Deposits.