Maintenance and Services

The maintenance module is used to keep track of all maintenance and service related tickets at the property. The Module allows users to open and close tickets and keep a history of maintenance and service tickets per room. The module works independently of the Out of Order function.

To access Maintenance and services, go to Housekeeping > Maintenance and services

The module will open with an overview of all maintenance tickets.
Status 'C' means the ticket is closed, status 'O' means the ticket is still open. Status 'X' means the ticket is cancelled.

Use this icon to search. A search screen will open:

Search on the ticket number, on a handling date or date created. Also one can search on a part of text in the comments field.
Once criteria is set click on the OK button.
The system will now jump to the first ticket with the matching criteria. To jump to the second ticket use the F3 function key: it will search the next ticket meeting the criteria.

Clicking this icon will print the highlighted ticket.
 Clicking the "Lock" icon will show only the open tickets. Once clicked the icon will change to an open lock When clicking this icon, all tickets will be shown again.

To copy an existing ticket.
To delete the ticket that is highlighted on the screen.
Add a ticket
 By clicking on add, the following screen will appear :

Fields in blue are mandatory.
Status - The default status on creating a new ticket is set to 'Open'. Status 'C' means the ticket is closed, status 'O' means the ticket is still open. Status 'X' means the ticket is cancelled.
Urgence - A level of urgency can be assigned to the ticket. H for high, M for medium, L for low and N for none. These codes are system coded and are not customizable.
Folio - If a maintenance ticket is created from the folio, a link with the folio is created. See Tools Menu.
Maintenance group - Maintenance category. Separate maintenance groups can be created. See Maintenance groups.  
Room - Select the room requesting the maintenance or service. Guest rooms and banqueting rooms can be selected.   
Service type - A set of services can be added to each Maintenance group. See Maintenance groups.
Location - The room description which is taken over from the room description in settings when a room is selected. See Room Setup. If no room is selected, a location can be entered manually. For example used for public areas like restaurant or staircase.
Comment - A short description of the problem/request can be entered (limited to 30 characters).
To Handle By - A user can be assigned to the ticket.
Handle Before - A date can be entered if the ticket needs to be completed before a specific date.
Time - A time can be entered if the ticket needs to be completed before a specific time. (Military time format)
Remark - is used to describe the problem in more detail.

Save using the check mark. The ticket will be assigned a ticket number.

Edit a ticket
Double clicking on a ticket will show the following screen:

To close the ticket, change the status to 'C' and complete the 'handled by' section and save the changes.
Handled by - Select a user from the drop down.
Date - Date closed. Filled automatically when closing the ticket.
Time - Time closed. Filled automatically when closing the ticket.
Remark - Used to describe the solution.

The ticket is now closed: