Multi Currency Rates

The Multi Currency modules in IDPMS allows hotels to work with multiple currencies. For example to exchange currency at the front desk (Exchange Currency) or to sent invoices to foreign travel agencies in their own currency (Multi Currency Rates). When using the Multi Currency Option in IDPMS, the negotiated rates can be in Euros while the local currency is USD. The travel agent receives invoices in Euros and pays these invoices in Euros.   

This chapter explains how to set-up Multi Currency rates in IDPMS. it includes:


1. Option Settings

2. Maingroup  

3. Exchange rate

4. Rate type configuration

5. Mealplan configuration


Rate grid


Daily Rates


1. Option Settings

To use Multi Currency rates in IDPMS, the option 'Multi Currency rates' needs to be enabled in Settings > Option> Modules. See Option Modules for more information.  

2. Maingroup  

Go to Settings > Financial > Maingroup
Add the foreign currency as a maingroup. This maingroup is created for Multi currency only. Do not link this maingroup to articles. Do not use the existing foreign currency maingroup.

Make sure the option 'Foreign currency' is enabled.

It is possible to add more than one foreign currency (EURO, DOLLAR, Etc.).
It is possible to add 2 codes for Euro if desired. Per added maingroup a different exchange rate can be configured if needed.
Make sure to have a clear description (this becomes in handy when needing to select it from a drop down)

3. Exchange rate

Go to Settings > Financial > Exchange rate.

The maingroup which is set as ‘Foreign Currency’ will show.

An Exchange rate can be set by the controller (or employee responsible for setting the exchange rates).

4. Rate type configuration

Go to Settings > Ratemanager > Rate types


5. Mealplan configuration

Go to Settings > Ratemanager > Mealplan



Rate grid

Whenever selecting a foreign currency rate type in the rate grid, the code of the foreign currency will show:

The rates need to be loaded in the foreign currency when the foreign currency label – in this case [EURO]- is visible.



When creating a reservation with a foreign currency rate, it will be shown in the reservation as follows:

A label with the foreign currency will show when it is not a local rate.

If the label – In this case [EUR]- is displayed, the rate amount which is shown is in that currency.

The total Excl\Incl field is always stated in the local currency, because only rate types and mealplans can be setup as foreign currencies. Other postings like extras and F&B charges will be in the local currency.

Daily Rates

The amount that will be posted during night audit, can be checked under daily rates. In the reservation, go to the daily rates:

The rate is displayed in the foreign currency.
Double click to see the amount that will be posted during night audit and will be visible on posting details: