
An allotment is a number of rooms blocked in advance for an agent or a company for a specific period or day. See Allotment Settings.

To Create an Allotment, go to Settings > Allotments > Allotments.  

To add a new allotment, use

Allotment - Enter the name of the Allotment, limited to 8 characters.
Description - Enter the description, limited to 30 characters.
Subtract from availability - If enabled, the allotment will be deducted from availability directly, without being sold. Only possible if a fixed room type is used (no virtual room type). See Virtual room types, Room types and Allotment subtracted from availability.   

Save using the checkmark. 

When the Allotments are created, the next step will be to configure the Allotments in the Allotment Grid. See Allotment Grid.