Allotment Grid

The Allotment Grid is used to maintain and update the allotment allocations per day. Allotments need to be created before accessing the Allotment Grid. See Allotments.
To access the Allotment Grid, go to Settings > Allotments > Allotment Grid

Enter the date. The allotment grid displays a 6 week overview.

To see or edit values to an allotment, the top bar can be used to select an allotment, room type and period.

 These buttons are used to scroll back and forth on the calendar by week or by month.
This button is used to select a specific date to view. Once the date is entered, the calendar will display a 6 week view starting with the Monday closest to the date entered.
This button is used to close the window.

The green light indicates an allotment is opened

The red light indicates an allotment is closed

Greyed out means the allotment isn’t loaded

To see more details or to edit, double click a cell on the calendar.

For example:

Start Date/End Date - Use the calendar icon  or manually enter the dates.
Allotments - Select the Allotment to update.
Room Types - Select the room type(s) to update for the Allotment. To select multiple room types use the <Ctrl> key. A warning is given when setting an allotment on a virtual room type when that specific allotment is already active on one of the room types within the virtual room type. See Virtual Room Types for more information.
Allotment Size - Enter the number of rooms to allocate for the allotment and room type selected.
Allotment Release Days - Enter the number of release days. This indicates the number of days in advance that the allotment size will be released. For example: today is August 1st. An allotment is set for August 6th to be released in 3 days. The Night Audit of August 3rd to August 4th will release the allotment. On August 4th the allotment of August 6th is released.
Open/Closed - This opens or closes the allotment. The default is set to open.

Select to continue to next page to complete the update.

Update Items - Items checked will be updated for the date span, allotment and room type(s) displayed.
Update Weekdays - All
values selected in the previous screen will only have effect on the days of the week that are checked in this list. By default all days will be checked.

Once ok is pressed, the allotment grid will be updated and will display the new values.

For example:  

Available - 8 - represents the overall availability (rooms to sell) of the room type displayed on January 16th.

The allotments will be displayed in availability. See Availability.