Autorun Procedures

Autorun procedures are used to create automatic procedures during the Night Audit Function or to print out a bunch of self selected and joined reports. These procedures may include running specific reports, e-mailing reports as PDF, CSV or Excel files, running an external procedure or saving a report to a file.

Contingency reports or Batch Printing of Reports can also be set up through the autorun function. Once Autorun procedures are created, they can be accessed or activated from the Extra Menu. See Autorun Procedures Extra Menu
To access Autorun Procedures, go to Settings > Advanced > Autorun procedures

The autorun procedures will be displayed.

Most hotels have the autorun procedures NIGHTRPB and NIGHTRPA. These autorun procedures are part of the night audit in IDPMS and are started automatically when the night audit is started. See Night audit.   
To add a new procedure select

Autorun - Enter a name for the procedure (limited to 8 alphanumeric characters).
Description - Enter a description for the procedure (limited to 30 characters).
Save using the checkmark
Select the breakdown icon to add the tasks to the procedure .
Note: a single procedure may have multiple tasks defined with line numbers.

Then select the add icon to add a report to this procedure.

Line nr - Enter the line number for the task (for example, if listing multiple reports as part of a procedure, the linenr will create the list order that the reports will print).
Task - Select the task from the pick list:

FILEREP - Reports can be stored in a directory set as 'Path export report'. See Option General. Reports will be stored in this directory as .PDF with a unique name {IDPMS date ‘yyyymmdd’}_{XXX}_{ReportName} (XXX = 3 digits prefix from IDPMS).
Emailrep -  To directly send reports by mail during night audit. IDPMS uses the settings set in de email defaults. Reports will be send in .PDF either with MAPI or SMTP. See Option Network.
Reports that are sent by email are stored with a unique name {ReportName}_system datetime ‘yyyymmdduumm’} in the directory set as 'Path export report'. See Option General.   

Description - Enter a description for the task. For example the report name.
Parameter 1 - Parameter 1 is used to identify the specific function or report name. For example, to add the report 'Expected arrivals' to an autorun procedure, go to File > Reports > Front desk > Expected arrivals. The top left corner displays the report name, in this example FD_Arrival:    

Use Parameter1 FD_Arrival:

Parameter 2 - Enter a 2nd parameter for the task if needed.
Parameter 3 - Use an option from the picklist to indicate when the task needs to be performed:

If left empty, the task will be performed every time the Autorun procedure is started.

Export - Please specify in what kind of format the report needs to be exported. PDF, CSV or Excel is supported. When configuring this setting the report will be saved on a path which is configured within the general settings. See 'Path report export' in Option General.
Email - Configure e-mail address of recipient who need to receive an export of the file (supported as PDF, CSV or Excel). The recipient will receive the specified report automatically when running the autorun procedure. Only one recipient is supported.

Save using the checkmark .
Default Report Parameters can be set in IDPMS. When running reports manually, using an autorun procedure and during night audit, these default values will be used. For more information, see Report Parameter.  
Example reports:
Official Parameter Name of Report Report Description
FD_INHOUSE Guest In-House
FD_NOMOVE Do Not Move Rooms
FD_FEATURES Room Features
FD_GROUPRES Group Reservations Booked
FD_GRPROOMLIST Group Rooming List
FD_GUESTCOMMUNICATION Guest Communication log
FD_OCCUPIED Occupancy Report (arrivals plus In-House)
FD_PAYMASTER House Accounts
FD_POLICE Police Report (shows arrivals, inhouse)
FD_ROOMSTOBLOCK Rooms to block
FD_SECURITYLIST Fire Dept List (short Guest in-house)
FIN_BALANCE_CO Balance on Checked out folios
FIN_BALANCE_CX Balance on Cancelled folios
FIN_BALANCE_IH In House Guest Ledger
FIN_BALANCE_RES Balance on Reservations (Deposit List)
FIN_BALALNCE_WL Balance on Waiting List
FIN_GENLEDGER General Ledger
FIN_POSTING_REFERENCE Posting Check with Reference
FIN_REVENUE Revenue Report
FIN_STATISTICS Financial Rev Group Totals
HKP_CHANGES_LOG Housekeeping Changes log
MAN_TRIAL Trial Balance