Financial hierarchy
In order to analyze revenue, the PMS uses the following hierarchical tree:


Meta Group  

The Meta Group is the highest in the hierarchy and therefore has many sub-groups.
Using meta groups is not mandatory.
Hotels may have only one Meta Group: Hotel. Other hotels don't use Meta Groups.

To access mesta groups, navigate to Settings> Financial > Metagroups

Examples of Meta Groups would  be: Hotel, Conference Center and Spa.

Report: A Meta Group report is available with a start and end date option. You also have the option to include Budget and main group breakdowns on this same report.
See Meta Group for more detailed information.


Budget Group   

Budget Groups are second in the Financial Hierarchy. Budget groups allow for further consolidation of revenues. Budget Groups can be linked to six revenue consolidation groups that in turn make up the revenue summary totals on the daily Management Summary Report (MAN_Mansum - Management summary). Hotels use the MANSUM report to see their daily, month to date and annual totals.

The six revenue consolidation groups can be configured per property in Settings > Option > Statistics. They are identified as A,B,C,D,E & F. It is possible to have multiple budget groups linked to the same revenue category.

Examples of 6 Revenue Statistics Categories:

See Option Statistics for more information.  

To access Budget groups, navigate to Settings > Financial > Budget Groups.  

Main Groups  

Main Groups are third in the Hierarchy. Main Groups should include all of the hotels' transaction items, including payment types, revenue groups, commissions, taxes etc. In IDPMS, Main Groups are mapped to the hotels' back office general ledger accounts. Multiple Main Groups can be mapped to the same general ledger account, or Individual Main Groups  can be created for each general ledger account. Multiple articles are linked to Main Groups.
Examples of Main Groups :
Gift Shop
American Express
City Tax
See Maingroups.   

Post Groups   

Post Groups allow to define how charges will appear on the guest folio, and allow charges to be consolidated on the guest folio in various ways. When a post group is assigned a consolidation type, all articles linked to this post group will follow the rules for that type.
For example a post group `Business Services' could be configured as `DAYPOST' meaning that all the articles linked to this post group (which could be hi-speed internet, faxes, copies) will not appear in detail on the customer invoice but only as a single line posting. The description of the post group will be used (Business Services) and one total amount per day will show.
All folio charge routing is done using Post Groups.
For example, if the Post Group `Business Services' on a guest folio needs to be routed to a Master reservation or Group reservation, all articles linked to that Post Group (like hi-speed internet, copies, faxes) would be routed.
  If only hi-speed internet charges need to be routed, a separate `Hi-speed internet' Post Group needs to be created.

Report: Posting Check. All transactions/postings by Post Group.
See Post Groups   


Articles refer to any item charge that can appear on the guest folio. Articles are linked to a Price Look Up (PLU).  
We suggest that like articles be sequentially grouped together, for example, each Food and Beverage item list between 250 and 280.
PLU 250          Port of Call Bar Beverage
PLU 251          Port of Call Bar Food
PLU 252          Pool Bar Beverage
See Articles.  

Charge Plans  

A charge plan is used to divide/split revenue between several main groups. The revenue will be distributed over a number of Main groups and Post groups. For example a Charge Plan that includes the room rate will allow revenue distribution of it's components to the assigned main groups and post groups.
Charge Plans.  


Besides Articles that can post be posted, IDPMS had the option to reserve extras in a reservation. These extras will be charged during Night Audit when the guest is in house. Extras can be printed on confirmation letters and pro forma invoices.

There are 2 kinds of Extras: with and without inventory control. (Like extra bed in the room or ticket for the museum).  
See "Extras" and "Extra inventory" for set up of the Extra and "New Individual Reservation" on how to add an extra to a reservation.