Folio Buttons - Group Reservation after Confirmation

 This icon opens the seek window, in which it is possible to search for a folio. Several seek criteria can be used for this purpose, such as group name or booker. <F3> See The search screen of IDPMS.
With this icon articles can be posted to the group. Clicking this icon opens the posting window <F6>. See Posting Screen. The icon will display the local currency symbol (Euro, Dollar or Pound) as defined in
Settings > Option > Frontdesk. See Option Frontdesk.
This icon, opens the detail account window. In this window the different sub folios of the group can be viewed and changes can be posted if needed <F5>. The icon will display the local currency symbol ( Euro, Dollar or Pound) as defined in Settings > Option > Frontdesk. See Option Frontdesk.  
  This icon concerns possible interfaces the group would like to use.
 This icon is used for the guest message, guest information and changes Log. Clicking this icon will display four other icons one of which is unique in the group folio, unassign rooms.
 The unassign rooms icon will unassign all previously assigned rooms within the group folio.
This icon is visible if a credit card interface is in use. From here credit card details can be viewed per subfolio or a manual authorization can be processed.
This icon is visible if the Sales Module is activated. This icon gives access to the Contact Manager.
Clicking this icon will lead to event reservations that are linked to this group reservation. It is possible to open the linked events directly through this icon.  
This icon is used to create an event reservation. It will be linked to the reservation directly. Fields like date, guest and company are filled in.
 Using this icon a new group reservation can be created. Clicking this icon will open a new group reservation window. <INS>
 This icon is meant for copying the present reservation. This can be useful in case a guest decides to make more reservations at the same time. Copying the information, prevents that the same information must be entered twice. All information is copied, except for the room number and of course the arrival and departure date. These do need to be entered again. <CTRL><INS>
  After opening a reservation, clicking this icon will cancel the reservation.<CTRL><F2>
  If you wish to undo the cancellation, click this icon. This icon will appear if a reservation has been cancelled. <CTRL><F2>
  In case of a group reservation this icon is used to assign room numbers to all guests. <CTRL><F8>
If a group reservation has been made, the different folios can still be edited at the same time. Clicking this icon will open the "Update individual reservations" window. This window contains three tabs. These tabs are Charge Routing, Group and Folio. <CTRL><F9>

Tab Charge Routing:

Charge Routing in IDPMS is used to route designated charges to subfolios, group folios or master folios. The Charge Routing tool also allows the user to specify dates and maximum amounts for the charges. The default subfolio for all charges is subfolio A unless charge routing designates another folio or a financial setting indicates another default folio. If no charge routing is setup, charges automatically default to subfolio A of the individual reservations. See Charge Routing for more details.
Tab Group

The items listed under the Group tab above identify different sections of the group master folio. It is possible to make a change to any of these sections and then update that change to all linked individual group member folios by selecting the section/item changed. For example, the method of payment may change for the group. First, the change would be made on the group folio and saved, then this tab would be opened and the Payment and billing checked and once the update is saved, all individual folios are updated with the payment and billing changes.

In the folio tab information related to the folios can be changed, as for example changed arrival or departure date.  Updating the underlying folios instead of changing each individual folio saves more time.
If something is saved/confirmed on the group or folio tab, this will then no longer be visible in the menu.
Tab Folio:

Icons Linked to Rooms Tab

In the Group Reservation Screen, the icons in the second row will change based on the tab selected (Group Blocks, Rooms or Banquets)
 Add a New Reservation to Group (Short Form)
 Copy a Reservation
 Split a Reservation with more than 1 room
 Cancel an individual Reservation within the group.
 Undo an cancellation
 Assign a room number to selected reservation within group.
 Go to Guest Profile of selected reservation.
 Go to Reservation Detail Screen of selected reservation.
 With this icon a new (individual) reservation can be added to an existing group reservation. <INS>

The number of available rooms is showing behind each roomtype.  
 With this icon a selected room reservation can be copied. This might for example be useful if the information of the new room reservation differs only slightly from the existing reservation. <SHIFT><CTRL><INS>
 This icon can be used to split a room reservation. If a room reservation contains more than "1" room, this reservation must be split before checking in the guest. <SHIFT><F4>
 In order to cancel a room reservation, the user opens the reservation concerned and then clicks this icon. IDPMS will ask whether the user is sure he would like to cancel this reservation and what is the reason for the cancellation.
The room reservation will, however, remain visible. Its status will be Cancelled. You can see this in the first column of the `overview window'. <SHIFT><CTRL><F2>
 It is possible to undo the cancellation by clicking this icon. This icon will appear after a reservation has been cancelled. IDPMS will change the status of the reservation back to Reservation. <SHIFT><CTRL><F2>
 With this icon IDPMS automatically assigns a room number per individual room reservation.<SHIFT><CTRL><F4>
 In order to update an individual room reservation, the user clicks this icon. The folio of the room reservation concerned will appear in which the possible changes can be made.
In the right hand corner in the top of the group reservation window the number of rooms that has been reserved is shown.
How many rooms have been reserved?

Ad = number of adults
Group Reservations without group block module activated.  
If group blocks are not used, there is be an additional icon available on the group reservation screen for waiting list.
 This icon is used to make a 'New waitinglist Reservation' for an individual.

The waiting list reservation will be displayed as follows: "Wait'

 This icon is used to reactivate a folio from a waiting list to a reservation.
 This icon is used to move a folio to the waiting list.