
Packages in IDPMS allow the hotel to assign and manage package components. Packages can be opened or closed using the Package Grid. See Package Grid.   

To access Packages, go to Settings > Rate Manager > Packages

Select the Add/New Icon to begin building the Package

Package - Create a code for the package, limited to 8 characters.

Description - Description of the package, limited to 30 characters.

Nights - The number of nights.

Rate Type - Enter the rate type the package plan is built on. The rate must be built/initialized in the rate grid. See Rate Types and Rate Grid.
Note: This rate type will only be used for the rate value loaded in the rate grid. Restrictions set in the rate grid will
not be taken into account. Restrictions for the package need to be added in the package grid. See Package Grid.     

Base Amount - On initial setup this will be greyed out. It will be populated once the package components are added.

Amount Adults - On initial setup this will be
greyed out. It will be populated once the package components are added.

Amount Children - On initial setup this will be
greyed out. It will be populated once the package components are added.

Amount Baby - On initial setup this will be
greyed out. It will be populated once the package components are added.

Post Group - Link the package to the appropriate post group. See Post groups.

PLU Code Article - Link to room article, usually 100. See Articles. 

Theatre Interface -

Ignore Rooms to Sell
- When enabled, IDPMS is allowed to sell all available rooms for this package. IDPMS will use the actual occupancy and ignores the setting in the package grid.
If not checked, the rooms to sell have to be managed through the package grid. See Package grid. This implies allocating a specific number of rooms to sell per day per package per room type. For example, a hotel has 45 rooms. No reservations yet so 45 rooms available. With ignore rooms to sell checked, all 45 rooms are available to book for this package. The rooms to sell option is greyed out in the package grid:

List order - list order sequence number. This order is used in a reservation and in the package grid. If no list order is assigned, the default will be alphabetical.
Visible -  Should be enabled for all public packages in order to be able to select them in the folio. When disabled the package is hidden from the pick list. For example when a package is no longer used. 
Publish on CWI - If enabled the package can be booked on the hotel's website.  
Default Source - The default Source linked to the package. When a reservation is booked using the package, the default source will be filled on the reservation screen. Default source set-up in the package overrules other defaults. When making a reservation, first the source in the package is picked. If not set-up, the source in the agent, then the company.

Default Subsource -
The default Subsource linked to the package. When a reservation is booked using the package, the default Subsource will be filled on the reservation screen.

Infotext -
ext field with detailed information for this specific package. The text is displayed in the rate query in IDPMS, when hoovering over the Package:

Not in rate query -
When enabled, the package will not appear in the rate query. When disabled, the rate will be displayed. See Rate query.  

Extend rate type -
This rate will be the charged rate of the package when guests would like to have an additional night(s) on top of the package. This rate type needs to be loaded through the rate grid.

Click checkmark to Save the Package.

Adding Package Components

Highlight the package and select the breakdown icon to add package components.
Double click on existing components to adjust or select new to add  

Line number
Enter a line number (1 for 1st component)

Night -
Enter the night the revenue for this component needs to be posted. If it’s a one night package 1 needs to be entered for each component.  

Description -
Enter description of component

Base Amount -
If the component is a flat amount, enter the € amount here

- I
f the component is based on per person amounts, enter the € amount per adult here.

Child -
If component is per child, enter € amount

Baby -
If component is per baby, enter € amount

Maingroup -
Enter the main group that this component is linked to. See Maingroups.  

Under breakfast, dinner lunch etc, check the appropriate box if this component needs to be counted on your F&B reports.

Article -  This allows revenue split by using only 1 pack break line by linking an article connected to a chargeplan. If an article is set, this will be leading in the financial posting. If article is empty, the configured maingroup is used for the posting.
Save using the Checkmark.
Example of a 2 night package:

The total for 2 adults will be €302,50:
In this example the package rate type ARR1 is built in the Rate Grid, €50 per night:

(€50 per night * 2) +  (€20 per person * 2) + (€12,50 per person per night * 2 * 2) + (€50 per person * 2) + (€6,25 per person * 2)
In this example, the total nights of the stay equals the total nights in the package. Therefore the Rate type BAR and Mealplan LO are ignored.
As displayed in the daily rates of the reservation:

When adding extra nights in the reservation: