Table Room Status  

Go to Housekeeping> Table Room Status, or use short cut keys <Ctrl> + <F11> to access the Room Status Table.
This table displays all room types in the hotel, the room numbers and housekeeping status per room.
If  'colorful roomrack' is enabled in the settings, the table room status screen will use background colours identifying the reservation status. See Option Front desk.    

Table Room Status Screen

IDPMS has different housekeeping statuses:

This icon indicates the room is Out of order (OOO). See Out Of Order.  
This icon indicates the room is Out of Inventory (OOI). See Out of Inventory.  

Changing the status

To manually change the housekeeping status of a room, a user can right click on the room:

Or double click on the room number:   

Change the housekeeping status and confirm using the checkmark.  
Use this icon to change all rooms with the same housekeeping status at once. IDPMS will ask whether all rooms with this status must be changed.     

Changes Log
To view housekeeping status changes, right mouse click on a room number and choose changes log. The log displays all changes made to the housekeeping status. Identifying user, time, date, the old status and the new status. If the status was changed by a Telephone Management interface, it will identify the type of interface in the user field. (e.g. Mitel, Samsung or Avaya).


The Table Roomstatus can be filtered by housekeeping section, Status or Room type using the filters at the top of the screen.
It is possible to print out the room status table.
Note: Room Status is also visible on the Roomrack. See Roomrack.