Function Room

Function Room identifies each Function Room at the hotel and links the Function Room to a Room Type and a Section. Room Types are displayed on the Banquet Rack. When a Banquet Activity is booked, a reservation is booked for a specific Function Room.

To access Function room, go to Settings > Banqueting > Function Rooms > Function Room

To add a Function Room select

All fields in blue are mandatory.

Function Room - Enter the Name of the Function Room, limited to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Room Type - Select  the room type from the pick list of Function Room Types. See Function Room Type.  
Description - Enter the description, limited to 30 characters.
To add translations in other languages if using multiple languages in IDPMS click on the  in the description field.

Combination - If this Function Room can be combined with another room(s), check the box. An example of a combination room would be a room that can be divided like a Ballroom and then rented in different section combinations. See Combination.
Section - Link the Room to the appropriate Section. See Section.
Memo - Text field. Enter text relating to the Function Room. This text can be used in confirmation letters.