Suite Rooms

This section explains the configuration of Suite rooms in IDPMS, needed for the Suite Logic module. See Suite Logic for more information.
Configuring Suite Room is similar to configuring Rooms. Note: Suite Room Types need to be created first.

Go to Settings > Suites > Suite Rooms

For example:

Room number - Enter a room number (maximum of 8 characters).
Room type - Select the Suite room type from the drop down.
Description - Enter a description for the Suite. Limited to 30 characters. To Translate to another language, select the ... in the description field.
Rack position - Position of this suite room on the Roomrack.

Room mapping

After creating the suite rooms, the underlying rooms can be mapped to the suites. This mapping will have the suite room with his underlying rooms, taken from the existing inventory.
Select the suite and click the split icon:

The column on the right displays the mapped rooms. On the left side the rooms available for mapping are displayed.

Adjust mapping using arrows in the middle of the screen.

Keep in mind mapping differs when using Single or Multi mapping type as explained in Option Suite Logic.
When using single mapping you are able to select one room of each room type. For example when you have mapped one comfort room already ("Mapped" screen on the right) there will be no comfort rooms visible within the "Available" screen on the left.
When using multi mapping all possible combinations are valid.