Locate Guest

To search for a guest or booker, go to Frontdesk > Locate Guest, use Shortcut key <Ctrl> + <F>, or use the 'Locate Guest' icon in the left toolbar from the Frontdesk Menu as shown below:

The following window will open

Number - Enter the folio number to Search on folio number.
- Enter the last name of the guest, company name or travelagent name.
License plate - Only displayed if module Vehicle registration is enabled.
Days in advance - Enter number of days to search. Maximum is 7 days. If 7 days is entered, the system will search 7 days forward from current day and 7 days back from current day.

Click the checkmark to continue the search.

The results window will show a list of folios that meet the criteria entered. If the name entered has folios in different statuses, they will be identified in the status column of the results window.
See below:

See IDPMS Status Codes for a description of the status codes.