Guest In-House

To look up a guest in-house, go to Frontdesk > Guest in-house, use shortcut keys <Ctrl> + <H>, or select Guest in-house from the left toolbar (In house tab):


A seek window will open to find the reservation concerned.

Enter the required criteria to select the required in-house folio. If no criteria are entered and the <Enter> key is pressed, all in-house folios will be displayed in a browse window and the required folio can be selected from the browse window.

The active icons on an in-house folio are as follows:

Most icons are the same icons as in the reservations screen. See Folio buttons after confirmation for a detailed explanation of each option.

Some icons differ if the reservation has status in house:

This icon is used to undo a check-in. The folio status will change back to reservation. This is only possible on the day of arrival. IDPMS will first ask for confirmation:

This icon is both used for assigning a room number to a reservation and for moving a guest to another room number. The function depends on the status of the folio. If the status is a 'Reservation', a room number is assigned.  If the status is 'In-House', it is used to do a room move.

This icon is used to checkout the guest. See Check out.