The Login screen  


The following window is displayed while IDPMS is starting:

The startup window displays information about IDPMS, including the version installed.
After IDPMS has started the main window is displayed. To start working in IDPMS, the user needs to log in first. For every user, a personal User name and Password needs to be created.
Enter user name, password and, if applicable, shift:

Every User receives a user name and password. With this unique user name and password the actions of every user within IDPMS can be tracked. The user can also log in on a certain shift (for example reception early shift). Shifts are optional in IDPMS. If the hotel uses shifts, a user is required to be logged on to a shift in order to post any financial transactions. See Shift for more information.   
The system administrator (or superuser) is the only person entitled to change the IDPMS settings. The system administrator will also set the rights that every user has within IDPMS. IDPMS uses this information to make sure that not everybody can change settings and access certain information saved by IDPMS.


For every user, a personal User name and Password needs to be created. See APMA Portal - Users for more information.