Allotments Settings

An allotment is a number of rooms blocked in advance for an agent or a company for a specific period or day. These rooms are held based on the terms of the allotment contract that was signed by the company and the hotel.
For example, a Travel agent can have an allotment contract with the hotel for 5 rooms every day for a certain period, with a release of 2 weeks. This means that this agent can always book at least 5 rooms with the hotel until 2 weeks before the arrival date.

Allotments are optional in IDPMS. To create an allotment, the Allotments module needs to be enabled. See Option Modules.
To use Allotment bookings in IDPMS, the following settings need to be configured:

Hotels can create allotments for their fixed room types (as defined in Settings > Rooms > Room Types ) OR virtual room types. See Virtual Room Types.  
It is not possible to use both. This will cause availability differences.