Interface Messages

Interface messages allow users to view active (new) and processed interface error messages and interface warning messages. Interface messages will only appear for those interfaces that are being monitored by the Interface Watcher. See Interface Watcher.    

A warning will appear in yellow on the status bar of the IDPMS main screen:   

An interface error will appear in pink:  
To access all Interface Messages, double click on the interface message or go to Extra > Interface Messages.
New interface messages have status 'New' (not viewed). The most recent message will be highlighted.

To search for the newest message by interface type, select the seek icon

To view more details, select the required message and double click or use the checkmark.
Once the message is viewed it will be marked as processed.


Date - The date the message was sent from the interface.
Time - The time the message was sent.
Interface - The 8 character code, unique to each interface type.
Type - The message type, Error or Warning.
Description - Description of the message.
Details - More details on the interface warning or error.
Processed date - The date the message was viewed (when a user double clicks the message line, it is marked as processed)
Processed time - The time the message was viewed.
Processed user - The user that processed the message by viewing it.    
Status - New = not viewed, Processed = viewed.


Processing Interface Messages

The 'Processed' fields will be populated once a message has been viewed.  As soon as the user who views a new message closes the details window, the status changes from 'New' to 'Processed' and the alert message on the main window of IDPMS is removed. Processing the message in IDPMS doesn’t mean the problem is solved automatically. The user who views the message is expected to take action to avoid the return of the message. Action may be a restart of the interface or a connection check. If the issue can't be solved internally, the hotel can contact Amadeus Hospitality support.
To process all interface messages at once, use:

Example Messages
Type Message Action
Error Cannot open IP port The interface cannot connect to the IP port. Contact Amadeus Hospitality Support.  
Error Cannot open COM port The interface cannot connect to the COM port. Contact Amadeus Hospitality Support.
Error Cannot check buffer status The interface cannot connect. Contact Amadeus Hospitality Support.
Error Invalid license License not correct. Contact Amadeus Hospitality Support.  
Error Not responding!!! Contact Amadeus Hospitality Support.  
Warning Lost Charge For example a call charging, POS, mini bar or pay-tv interface. The interface is attempting to post charges on a room which it can’t find. The warning is displayed in IDPMS so the user can post the charges manually to prevent loss of revenue.
Check the message to find out which room number was giving the warning.  
The report FIN_lost_charges shows all missed interface charges. Go to File > report > financial > missed interface charges.

All charges need to be posted manually.  
Warning Cannot communicate with server (Remus) Contact Amadeus Hospitality Support.  
Memotext Credit Card data Memotext contains potential credit card data. Check the message to find out which folio number it is about. Go to this folio. Move the credit card details from the memo text to the credit card field and save the reservation. See Remus Interface messages for more details.
Warning Incorrect guarantee card algor (Gua Chec) Check the card algorithms present in guarantee configuration of IDPMS. Go to Settings > Reservations > Guarantees. Open the drop down for Card Algorithm and select the correct card algorithm.  See Guarantees for more information.