
Setting up a Department pick list for banqueting is optional. Hotels may want to identify specific departments within their banquet operation. Certain tasks or calculations can be assigned to a department (for example, Catering, Bar, Media etc.)
Reports are available in IDPMS where calculations can be printed by date and department.

To access Department go to Settings > Banqueting > Picklists > Department

To add a department select

Fields in blue are mandatory.
Department - Enter the Department Code (alphanumeric limited to 8 characters)
Description- Enter a description (limited to 30 characters)
To add translations in other languages if using multiple languages in IDPMS click on the  in the description field.

Save using checkmark.

For example:

For explanation of the other icons, see Standard buttons.
Departments are linked to Banquet Articles. See also Articles and Banquet Reservation.