Users Settings

In User Settings, many of the IDPMS system security rights are set and configured. User rights are customizable per property and many are based on menu and sub-menu access. It is advisable for the system administrator at the property to have a detailed security plan where user groups are identified by department and each group is assigned a level of access and rights. Once this has been established, user groups can be set up and each system user can be tied to their applicable user group. Each of the different user groups can be configured to have different access rights.

System security is a very important element of using IDPMS and is especially evident in an environment where credit card data is stored. IDPMS is compliant with the current PABP (Payment Application Best Practices) rules and fully provides a PMS system that helps the hotel become PCI compliant. For more information on PCI and PABP, ask an Amadeus representative for details.

The following settings are discussed in this section: