Rate grid
Monetary values are assigned to rates in the rate grid. Go to Settings > Ratemanager > Rate Grid to access the rate grid.

The rate grid displays a 6 week overview.

To see, edit or assign rate values and rate restrictions to a certain rate the top bar can be used to select a rate type, room type and period.

If set-up, it is also possible to filter on Room type group.
It allows easy filtering for the wanted group of room types. Select the room type group first. Room type will then show a filtered set of room types based on the selected Room type group:

See Room type group for more information.   
 These buttons are used to scroll back and forth on the rate manager calendar by week or by month.
This button is used to select a specific date to view. Once the date is entered, the calendar will display a 6 week view starting with the Monday closest to the date entered.
This button is used to close the window.

The green light indicates a rate is opened

The red light indicates a rate is closed

The yellow light indicates a rate is CTA (Closed to Arrival)

The orange light indicates a rate is CTD (Closed to Departure)

Greyed out means the rate type isn’t loaded

To see more details or to change the value or restrictions of a rate, double click a rate cell on the calendar.
For example:

This will open the ‘edit values’ window:

Select the start- and end date that needs to be edited. Use the calendar or manually enter the dates.
Select the rate type(s) that needs to be edited. Multiple rates can be selected and edited at once using the <Ctrl> key while selecting the rate types (<Ctrl> + <A> will select all rate types).
Select the room type(s). Multiple room types can be selected at once using multi- select (<Ctrl> when selecting room types, or <Ctrl> + <A> to select all).
If set-up, the room type group can be used
to select a group a room types:

A: Reservation A is a reservation for 1 night, check-in Thursday, check-out Friday. Restriction is set on Friday which is the check-out date for this example so the reservation is accepted.
B: Reservation B is a reservation for 2 nights. Check-in Friday, check-out Sunday. Restriction is for 2 nights so reservation is accepted.
C: Reservation C is a reservation for 1 night. Check-in Friday, check-out Saturday. The restriction is set on the arrival date so the reservation is not accepted.

Min. and Max. LOS both can be used together. For example if want guests to stay 3 nights. Both min LOS and max LOS can be set on 3. Only reservations for 3 nights can be created for this rate type/ room type combination.

The Booking.com interface, sends minlos to booking.com as stay through.  

Select the arrows to continue to the next screen.

This window is used to indicate which changes entered in the previous window must be applied to the selected room/rate/period combination.

Update items - Items that are checked will be updated for the date span, rate types and room types selected. The fields that were selected or updated in the previous screen are automatically checked.

Update weekdays - All values, restrictions and edits selected in the previous screen will only have effect on the days of the week that are checked in this list. By default all days will be checked.

Once ok is pressed, the rate grid will be updated and will display the new values.