Option Invoice

Separate AR invoice number range - By checking this, A/R (Accounts Receivable) invoices will have their own invoice sequence numbers. Recommend checking if A/R Module is active. See Accounts Receivable.

Store invoice maingroup details - If checked, maingroup detail totals are stored per invoice in a separate table (Invoice_maingroup_details) This is used for some Back Office Interfaces.

Default to Group Consolidation - If Checked, the Group Folio Invoice will have the Group Consolidation checked by default when viewing or saving a Group Invoice. See screen shot below.

If this is not checked, the consolidation on the invoice will show more detail (like Guest Name, room number, per room Charge)

Do not print zero invoices - For batch print invoices so it does not print invoices without balance.

Italian Invoice - Only used in Italy.

Empty Invoice (Italy) - Only used in Italy.

Copy Text on Invoice Copy - If checked, the text 'COPY' will appear on any invoice that is printed as a copy. See Invoice Utilities and Copy Invoice by Number. If not checked the Invoice would not state COPY INVOICE but INVOICE.

No Invoice GIH - If checked, no invoice can be saved for Guest In House Status.

Preview on screen - If this is checked all invoices will show as a print preview on screen by default.

Ask pro forma date - If checked, when selecting invoice type 'Proforma', the system will require a date entry. If not checked the default will display the proforma based on the entire stay of the folio.

Currency on invoice - Enter the symbol here (could be dollar, Pound or Euro)

Current invoice - References the generator for the last invoice number assigned in the database.

Current AR invoice - References the generator for the last debitor/AR invoice number assigned in the database.

Late Payment percentage- Used in the Netherlands for invoices.

Late Payment Days- Used in the Netherlands for invoice printing only. It does not affect financial postings.

Default Days Due - Relates to the number of days sue on AR invoices only. The default days due will = the invoice days + the number of days filled in here. Note: Number of days in a Relation profile will override default days due.

Legal info Line 1 to 4 - Text can be entered here and will show at the bottom of the invoice . This has to be programmed into the report (invoice.rpt) by Amadeus Hospitality.

New invoice sequence number
To change invoice numbers in IDPMS, for example starting with new invoice numbers from January 1st. When changing the invoice number, the generator will be changed during night audit.  

Change invoice number at date - Insert the start date for the new invoice numbers. This should be a future date (system date +1). For example, when invoices need to be changed from January 1st, enter change at date: January 1st. During the night audit from December 31st to January 1st, the invoice numbers will be changed. 

New invoice number - Choose the new invoice number. Example: when number 180000 is inserted, the next invoice will be 180001.   

New debtor invoice no - Choose new debtor invoice number. Only available if above option 'Separate AR invoice number range' is enabled.  

Print invoices for Departure -

Exclude reservations with these Guarantee - Enter Guarantees to exclude when printing invoices  from Extra > Invoice utilities.