Batch Email Definitions are used in conjunction with the Email Wizard in IDPMS. See also Email wizard . It is an excellent marketing tool for hotels who wish to utilize their email customer base. Emails need to be collected and saved in the Guest Agent and Company Relation Profiles. The Email letter or document needs to be created as an rtf file. (rich text file)
To access Batch Email Definitions, go to Settings->Advanced->Batch Email Definitions
To add a New Batch Email Definition select the add/new icon
Email Definition- Enter the name of the document
Subject - Enter the subject as you want it to appear on the email message
Module- Select the module from the picklist.(Relation Type)
English - Enter the English translation for the email definition
Translations- Enter the language translation for each language (if hotel uses multiple languages)
Save using the green checkmark.
By clicking on the icon, the Email Wizard will launch where the batch email can be set up and saved.
Other Buttons/Icons
To Copy select
To Delete select
To Save select
To Close Window select
To Seek/Search select
To Cancel select