Rebuild Inventory

Rebuild Inventory in IDPMS relates to rebuilding room type inventory on the availability screen and rooms table. A hotel may change a room type or add a room type to the hotel inventory. This tool should only be used if there has been a change to room inventory in Settings > Rooms > Room Types.

To rebuild inventory, go to Extra > Tools > Rebuild Inventory

Rebuild inventory is executed quickly.

Settings > Rooms > Room types will display inventory. See Room Types for more information.
For example:  

The column marked 'Inv' relates to the total inventory of each room type. For example, room type SUITE shows an inventory of 2 rooms.
The Availability screen F12 displays total inventory per room type as set in the room type table. The hotel in the example has a total inventory of 163 rooms.

in this example:

See Availability for more details.