Setup Recurring Charges Plan

Trust Accounting or Condo Management may impose recurring charges on owner's rooms or units. These charges vary per property and in some case, by room.  All types of charges can be set up. Recurring charges are booked on owner accounts using the IDPMS financial article setup and based on the configured interval in the recurring charges plan setup. The recurring charges plan is linked to the room/unit number.

Setup of recurring charges can be done from the Trust Accounting menu in IDPMS as follows;


Once selected, the recurring charges plan window opens.

To add a new plan, select the add new icon

Code - Enter a code for the charge plan. (limited to 8 characters)

Description - Enter a description

Save using the green checkmark.


To add the charges to the recurring charge plan, highlight the plan and then select the breakdown icon

Select the add icon

Charge order - Enter the line number for charges to occur on billing (if more than 1 line in charge plan) If it's a single line plan, enter 1.

Description - Enter a description for the charge

Amount- Enter an amount for the charge

Article - Enter the appropriate article for the charge. See Articles  for more information on financial articles.

Interval- Enter the charge interval (linked to interval type below)

Interval Type - select from DAY, WEEK or MONTH 

A charge plan can have multiple lines if necessary

Recurring charges plan are linked to the room/unit number using the Room Management Settings. See Room Management for more information.

Adding a recurring  charge plan to room 0111 - see below

Recurring charges will be booked as part of the night audit autorun if the option is checked in Settings->Options->Trust Accounting.