Batch Commission Payment

If a Hotel wants to process Travel Agent Commission checks through IDPMS, Batch Commission Payment types need to be configured. Batch Payment Type, once created is linked in the Agent Relation Profile.

To access, go to Settings->Financial->Batch Commission Payment.

The following window will open and display any previously created types.


Double click to open detail.

To add a new batch commission payment type, select the add icon

Batch Commission Payment - Enter the Batch Payment type ( 8 alphanumeric characters max.) If using cheques/checks locally, enter 'CHECK'  as this is coded in the IDPMS program and another form of text will not work.

Description- Enter description (max 30 characters)

Processor: Select from the picklist which processor is being used. Pegasus, Perot and NETTRANS relate to external check processing companies and the applicable interface and agreements have to be in place in order to use them.

Article- Select the article which applies to Batch Payment (see also Option Commission )

Save using green checkmark or pressing <Enter>


Agent Relation Profile

Note: The Batch Payment type needs to be linked in the Travel Agent Profile in order for commission to process for payment.