APMA Portal - My profile

When logged into the APMA Portal, you can see and edit your own user profile.

Navigate to your own name in the top right corner and select My profile. My profile gives access to 4 tabs:


The information tab displays basic user information. Some fields are editable. If changes are required, click on edit, make the changes and then save the changes.

First Name - Users first name can be edited.
Last Name - Users last name can be edited.
Email - Login for the APMA portal. Not allowed to edit.
Mobile Number - Phone number used for DUO activation. This is editable for when the user has a new phone number. When the phone number is updated you will receive a DUO message on your phone to install/activate DUO.
Enabled - If disabled, the user will not be able to log in onto the portal and all connected properties will be disabled. If enabled again the connected properties will not be automatically enabled. These would need to be enabled manually one by one.


In the settings tab here you have the possibility to add the users preferred language , localization, time zone and preferred property. Customer super users are able to add the settings for the users of a property for which the super user has access to. 

Language - To change the language for a user, go to settings tab and choose a language. If no language is set , language will be defaulted to English
Localization - Based on the language chosen it is possible to set localization of the language meaning that if English is chosen and property is located in Great-Britain then English (en-GB) can be chosen and this will then translate the portal in the correct English.  Date format, time format will be changed based on the localization chosen. It is possible to have English as language and a different localization. In this case the portal will remain in the chosen language and the formatting will change based on the chosen localization. Time zone - As customers are located worldwide and in different time zones it is possible to add the time zone to reflect this correctly for each user. Time zone can be added by selecting the correct time zone from the drop down list. 
Preferred property -  When users have access to multiple properties the first property in the list will be shown first. It is also possible to choose a preferred property. Once the preferred property is added every time the user logs in the preferred property will be shown . If no preferred property is added then the first property in the list will be shown.


In the tab password tab you are able to change your own password. The new password has to comply with the password policy. When clicking on save, the new password is saved and you will be logged out so that you can log in with your new password on the APMA portal. When password is successfully changed an email will be received that your password has been changed.  


In the properties tab, properties are assigned to a user. All linked properties are shown.

Name - Hotel names that are linked for the user.
Group/Role - The group role that the user has for that specific hotel.  
Status - Confirmed/Expired/Pending/Disabled.

Pending =User will have status Pending and when enabling within 24-hours user will move to Confirmed status.
Confirmed= When user has been successfully enabled for the property.
Expired = If user did not activate/confirmed within 24 hours than status will be expired.
Disabled = When user is disabled for the hotel property  

Enabled - True/False