Country State Codes

Before creating Country State Codes, Country Group Codes should be built.  See Country Group . IDPMS has numerous reports that provide useful geographical statistics on customers. Many hotels want to know their geographical customer base as it often assists in marketing campaigns and where best to spend marketing dollars. IDPMS requires the nationality (Country) of every guest. A reservation cannot be saved unless the Country information is present. Please check with the Hotel Concepts Trainer as they may have already loaded the Country State List. Entries to this picklist can be added at any time.

To access the Country State Codes, go to Settings->Statistics->Country\State:

To add a new Country/State Code, select the

Country/State - Enter the Country Code (limited to 30 characters)

Group - Select the matching group from the picklist (Picklist is from Country Group) See Country Group

Statistics Code - This is used to group Countries together for statistical purposes and reporting. This is an optional field. An example of a Statistics code would be (Europe) By grouping all European countries with the same statistics code, the country statistics report would then have a sub total for the statistics group.


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Example of report where statistic groups were added: