Maximum Occupancy

Maximum occupancy is the maximum number of people allowed to occupy a room type. Maximum occupancy is configured based on room type.  List all room types at the hotel and include the maximum number of adults per room type.
Reservations can still be booked, the max occupancy is only configured in order to create a warning message.

To configure maximum occupancy, go to Settings > Rooms > Maximum Occupancy and select the add/new icon. Save entry using Checkmark.


In the adult field, enter the maximum number of people (including children) allowed in that room type.

For example, if a reservation was booked for a STAND room and a total of 2 adults and 1 child, the reservation would be allowed. If a reservation was booked for 2 adults and 2 children, a warning would appear on the reservation screen as follows:

Warnings only appear when the total count exceeds the total maximum count entered above in the maximum occupancy table.