Traces at Date

Traces at Date is a menu item that allows the user to easily view active traces in the system for a specified date. To access Traces at Date, go to Relation->Traces at Date:

The following menu will appear where the date can be entered: The default setting is to current date

The List will display all system traces for the selected date. An example is displayed below.

By double-clicking on a trace, the details can be shown.

Relation - refers to the Relation Type

Contact - Identifies the contact relation

Action - identifies the action assigned

In/Out- identifies if the action is incoming or outgoing

Prio- identifies the priority (high, normal or low)

Created - identifies the date the trace was created

By- identifies the user that created the trace

Time Due - Time the trace is due.

For- identifies which user is assigned to the trace .


If the 'Display traces for current user only' is not checked, all traces for all users will be displayed.

 This icon pulls up the date selection screen to enter a different date.

These icons are used to page forward and backward from current window date displayed.

 This icon will move back by 14 days

 This icon will move back by 1 day

 This icon will move forward by 1 day

 This icon will move forward by 14 days