Show System Log

The System log in IDPMS logs all security and options settings modifications made by users in IDPMS. This menu option is available in IDPMS versions 3.12 and greater where a base PCI license is installed and the PABP (Payment Application Best Practices) rules are enforced.

In summary, PABP is the standard against which IDPMS has been tested and certified. PCI Compliance is then later obtained by the hotel (the merchant) on the local server (or hosting) environment to certify PCI compliance by using various hardware scans, port scans, and configuration evaluation testing methods. PCI Compliance is then later obtained by the hotel (the merchant) on the local server (or hosting) environment to certify PCI compliance by using various hardware scans, port scans, and configuration evaluation testing methods. The PCI DSS requirements apply to all system components within the payment application environment which is defined as any network device, host, or application included in, or connected to, a network segment where card holder data is stored, processed or transmitted.


IDPMS has included various security settings as required by the PABP rules. These settings are configured under Settings->Options->Security as shown below:



For more information on the above settings, see Option Security


If any changes are made to the above settings, they are recorded in the System Log . Many security settings relate to user logins and passwords and if a user changes, their password or has issues with login attempts, the system logs this information.


The System Log can be viewed from the Extra->Tools Menu as shown below;



Example of a system log:



The log identifies the user, date, time and action made. It tracks if the action was successful and the reason (change).


Actions are described as follows:


SETTCHNG - This action relates to any setting change made in the Settings->Options Menus.

LOGIN - Shows all logins made in the system and from which PC.

PWD_CHNG- This displays any users who made a password change.

CHNGCARD- This shows any changes made to credit card fields.



System Log - A system log has been added to IDPMS to log any change related to security settings. This includes the creation and change of system users, user groups and rights. Any user access to credit card information is also logged.  The log may be accessed from the Extra > Tools > System Log Menu.

Examples of what may be logged:

·         Changes in the settings

·         Viewed credit card numbers

·         Changed or added credit card information

·         Changes in user rights

·         Changes in status of user

·         Changes of user group from users

·         Information about credit card purge

·         Login attempts



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