Setup Revenue Split Plan

Most properties where Trust Accounting or Condo Management are in use will have various accommodation revenue split plans. These plans may vary per location, per property or per room/unit. When using the Trust Accounting Module in IDPMS, it is possible to create multiple revenue split plans and also configure the plans to split revenue automatically at the night audit function. Revenues are split between the room/unit owners and the property management.

Revenue Split Plans are created from the Back Office Menu as follows;


Revenue split plan window opens

Select add/new icon

Enter a code for the plan (limited to 8 characters)

Enter a description and save using the green checkmark.

Add the revenue split to the plan by selecting the breakdown icon

Description - Enter a description for the revenue split line

Percentage- Enter a percentage for the split. Revenue will be split between owner and the property based on this percentage.

Maingroup- Enter the financial applicable maingroup for the revenue

Article- Enter the article that the revenue is booked on.

Save using the green checkmark..

The Revenue Split Plans are linked to the room/unit numbers using the room management option. See Room Management