AP Types

AP Types are used to categorize the accounts within the Accounts Payable Module. By designating an AP Type to an account, the account can be grouped by this type in the AP Aging Report. AP Types are not required and are optional.

To access AP Types, go to Settings->Financial-)AP Types.

To Add a type, select the add/new icon

Creditor Type - Enter the Code (limited to 8 characters)

Description- Enter the Description (limited to 30 characters)

Line No- not mandatory. Enter the line number (list order) If the AP types need to be sorted in a list order, assign a value. If not, the default sort/list order will be alphabetical

Save using Green checkmark or hit <Enter>

Adding an AP Type to an Accounts Payable Account:

Select the Account from -BackOffice->Accounts Payable->Accounts

Select the A/P Type from the picklist created.
