Shortcut and Key Combinations
This page indicates the shortcut keys that are available for each option. Every action could also be executed with a click of the mouse.
The following list outlines the shortcut keys and commands in the PMS.

Command Short cut key / Key combination
Log out and Lock    
Lock <Ctrl> + <Q>
Login / Quick logout <Shift> +<Ctrl> + <Q>
New reservations  
Create new reservation <Ctrl> + <N>
Create new group reservation     <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <N>
New walk-in reservation <Ctrl> + <W>
New reservation on waiting list                  <Ctrl> + <M>
New Event Reservation <Ctrl> + <Y>
Check in / check out  
Check in reservation          <Ctrl> + <I>
Check in group reservation <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <I>
Folio/Guest/Company/Agent                 <Ctrl> + <F>
Reservations <Ctrl> + <R>
Group reservations <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <R>
Event reservations <Ctrl> + <ALT> + <Y>
Cancelled reservations     <Ctrl> + <E>
Cancelled group reservations    <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <E>
Guests in house <Ctrl> + <H>
Group reservations in house     <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <H>
Reservations on waiting list <Ctrl> + <L>
Travelagent profiles   <Ctrl> + <T>
Company profiles   <Ctrl> + <B>
Guest profiles   <Ctrl> + <G>
Checked out individual reservations <Ctrl> + <U>
Checked out group                  <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <U>
Accounts (A/R number, A/R name, Folio) <Ctrl> + <A>
Access items        
Access room rack  <F11>
Access table room status <Ctrl> + <F11>
Show availability window                <F12>
Display house status /dashboard     <Ctrl> + <F12>
IDPMS user manual online <F1>
Display channel dashboard <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <F12>
Charge general <Ctrl> + <O>
Denial registration <Ctrl> + <D>
Access Banqueting Rack <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <F11>
Open/ close telephone line <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <T>
Select report <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <F10>
Inside reservation window  
Authorize Credit Card <F7>
New reservation   <Insert>
Copy reservation    <Ctrl> + <Insert>
Cancel reservation   <Ctrl> + <F2>
Split reservation <F4>
Assign room     <Ctrl> + <F8>
Room move     <Shift> + <F8>
Move to waiting list <Ctrl> + <F3>
Credit Card Transactions <Ctrl> + <F7>
Charge general <Ctrl> + <O>
Open/ close telephone line <Shift> +<Ctrl> + <T>
Open the guest profile <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <G>
Open the company profile <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <B>
Open the travelagent profile <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <T>  
Check in / check out  
Check in guest <F2>
Check out guest <F2>
Undo check-in           <Ctrl> + <F2>
Undo check-out           <Ctrl> + <F2>
Changes Log <Ctrl> + <F10>
Reservations <F3>
Reservations <Ctrl> + <R>
Folio/Guest/Company/Agent <Ctrl> + <F>
Group reservation <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <R>
Cancelled reservations <Ctrl> + <E>
Cancelled group reservations    <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <E>
Guests in house <Ctrl> + <H>
Reservations on waiting list <Ctrl> + <L>
Agent profiles                <Ctrl> + <T>
Company profiles   <Ctrl> + <B>
Guest profiles  <Ctrl> + <G>
Access items            
Detail account (Posting Detail) <F5>
Charge routing <Ctrl> + <F5>
Access room rack <F11>
Access room status (Table Room Status) <Ctrl> + <F11>
Access print menu <F10>
Show availability window <F12>
Display house status /dashboard <Ctrl> + <F12>
Inside group reservation window  
New group reservation <Insert>
New individual reservation   <Shift + <Insert>
Copy group reservation    <Ctrl> + <Insert>
Copy individual reservation    <Shift>+ <Ctrl> + <Insert>
Cancel group reservation   <Ctrl> + <F2>
Cancel individual reservation     <Shift>  + <Ctrl> + <F2>
Split reservation  <Shift>+ <F4>
Assign room number   <Ctrl> + <F8>
Assign individual room number     <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <F8>
Credit Card Transactions <Ctrl> + <F7>
Check in / check out   
Check in group <F2>
Check in individual reservation  <Shift>+ <F2>
Check out group <F2>
Check out individual reservation  <Shift>+ <F2>
Undo check-in           <Ctrl> + <F2>
Undo individual check-in            <Shift>+ <Ctrl> + <F2>
Undo check-out group             <Ctrl> + <F2>
Undo individual check-out           <Shift>+ <Ctrl> + <F2>
Group reservations <F3>
Reservations <Ctrl> + <R>
Folio/Guest/Company/Agent <Ctrl> + <F>
Group reservations <Shift>+ <Ctrl>+ <R>
Cancelled reservations    <Ctrl> + <E>
Cancelled group reservations    <Shift>+ <Ctrl>+ <E>
Guests in house <Ctrl> + <H>
Guests on waiting list <Ctrl> + <L>
Travelagent profiles   <Ctrl> + <T>
Company profiles    <Ctrl> + <B>
Guest profiles  <Ctrl> + <G>
Changes Log <Ctrl> + <F10>
Access items  
Posting detail <F5>
Update individual reservations    <Ctrl> + <F9>
Access room rack   <F11>
Access room status - Housekeeping <Ctrl> + <F11>
Access print menu <F10>
Show availability window <F12>
Display house status / dashboard          <Ctrl> + <F12>
Rate Query Screen <Ctrl> + <S>
Banquet Rack <Shift> +<Ctrl> + <F11>
Easy action  
Display house status /dashboard <Ctrl> + <F12>
Jump to next field      <Tab>
Jump to previous field <Shift>+ <Tab>
Copy data to clipboard  <Ctrl> + <C>
Paste data <Ctrl> + <V>
Delete data in current field <Ctrl> + <X>
Inside Posting detail  
Select a number of items         <Ctrl> + <Left mouse button>
Select from … to … <Shift>+ <Left mouse button>
Select all items     <Ctrl> + <A>
Invert selection (turn around, all except what's highlighted) <Ctrl> + <I>
select all items with the same postgroup <Ctrl> + <P>
select all items with same date <Ctrl> + <D>
select all items with same user <Ctrl> + <U>
select all items with same folio original <Ctrl> + <F>

select all items with status T

<Ctrl> + <T>

select all items with status S

<Ctrl> + <S>

select all items with status X

<Ctrl> + <X>
Most short cut keys also function in other PMS components, such as room rack. This applies particularly to the seek and the new functions.