Telephone Category

Telephone Categories should be used if a call accounting interface is present. They represent Telephone Charge Category definitions. Telephone Categories can be used to distinguish between Guest Phones and Admin phones for example. The Telephone Category will also link to a posting article when Call Accounting is in use.

Each Telephone Extension can be linked to a Telephone Category. See Telephone Extensions

To access Telephone Category, go to Settings->Interfaces->Telephone Category

 To add a Category, select the add icon

Category - Enter a Category Code (alphanumeric limited to 8)

Description- Enter a description for the Category

Price- Enter a price if it's a fixed price and interface supports this (rarely used)

Article- Link to the telephone long distance article created in financial articles. If an article is not linked and the hotel is using a call charging interface, the calls will not post of the guest folio.

Save using green checkmark.


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