Mailing Definition

Mailing Definitions can be used to configure mailings which can then be selected as part of the Mailing Wizard Tool in IDPMS. See also Mailing wizard . This section only defines the Mailing Selections. The actual letters need to be created in IDPMS Editor.

To access Mailing Definitions, go to Settings->Advanced->Mailing Definition

To add a New Mailing Definition select the add/new icon

Definition- Enter a name for the Mailing (max. of 8 alphanumeric)

Description- Enter a description for the Mailing.

Save by selecting the green checkmark.

Mailing Wizard:

Mailing Definitions are selectable as Step 1 in the Mailing Wizard.

Select the mailing definition from the picklist. Note: Only Mailing Definitions saved in the database table with the Relation property code will appear.

By selecting the ... a list of Mail Definitions previously created will appear and can be managed/edited from here.

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