Parent Agent

A parent agent could be defined as a large Travel Agency that manages and controls smaller Travel agencies. Hotels may want to report on the volume of business associated with a parent agent and it's subsidiaries, so therefore will build profiles on parent agencies and link the related subsidiary agents. Some hotels may not maintain this type of data. In some instances in IDPMS, the term 'Mother' may be used interchangeably with 'Parent'   Parent Agents are not directly linked to a reservation. They are indirectly linked via their subsidiary agents. (Agents linked to Parent Agents)

It is important to note that travel agent commissions cannot be linked or processed through parent agent profiles. They are only processed at the Agent level.

To create a Parent Relation Profile, go to the Relation Menu and select Parent Agent.

The following seek window will appear:

The option to seek for an existing parent profile or add a new one is available.  To add a new one select the add icon

The 'New ' Mother Travelagent window opens;

Name - The Name field is mandatory. Enter the name of the parent relation.

Mail address - Enter the mailing address. This address can be used for billing and confirmation letters.

Visit address - Enter the visit or street address.

Phone, Fax, Website and Email address - Enter applicable data.

Protect  -can be checked  to protect the profile from unauthorized changes being made by an unauthorized user. Only a system administrator (super user) may be permitted to remove the check at a later date. Access is based on access rights set up in menu user access rights. The right is under Reservation Rights - "User can edit relation profile" This profile may still be changed in future if the box is not checked.

Market - is used to link a company to a specific Market type. This is useful if using the Mailing Wizard in IDPMS and the user wants to extract specific companies from the database that  are linked to a specific 'market' type.  See Market Code  for more information on creating market code pick lists.

A specific discount can be selected  in the Discount field. The selection of a discount amount or percentage will then be factored in automatically in all future reservations made by the subsidiary travel agents that are linked. The discount needs to also be filled in on the Agent profiles as well as the Parent Agent profile. To see more information on setting up discounts, see Discount

Source - is used to link the parent relation to a specific market source and is important for statistical data. This is useful if using the Mailing Wizard in IDPMS and the user wants to extract specific companies from the database that  are linked to a specific 'source' type.  See Source Code  for  more information on creating source code pick lists.

Memo is used to enter any relevant information about the Parent relation. The memo is for internal notes only. The memo text will not be copied over to individual reservations linked to the Parent Travel agent via the linked Agent relation on a booking.

Save the changes using the green checkmark. The Parent Relation will then have a unique parent relation number. It will show the 3 character prefix used by the property for relation codes followed by MT and a unique number (XXX-MT###)


At the bottom of the relation profile window, there are two fields that show Created and Changed.

Created will identify the user that created the relation profile initially. The date created is also noted.

Changed - will identify the user that made the last change including the date of change.