Mailing wizard step 4

Step 4 in the mailing wizard involves entering advanced selection criteria. For example, the guest must spend a minimum of 5 nights per reservation.

Entering the criteria is effected in the same way as in step 2 of the mailing wizard.
Enter the criteria by double clicking on an item in the left half of the window using the left mouse button.
Click the green check mark to save the criterion entered. It will display on the right half of this window. Entering more criteria is possible, by using either the button 'and' or 'or'. The criterion entered can be removed by clicking <. The brackets [ and ] have the function of allowing to enter a definition

Using the right mouse button, one can click on a selection criterion in the right half of step 2 to display various other options that can be applied to this criterion.

These options are Change and Remove.

When all requested criteria have been entered, proceed to Mailing wizard step 5 by clicking on the arrow, or using key <Page Down>.

If no relations are answering to the selection criteria, a warning will be displayed: